Our Vehicle Impact for Liability service has effectively changed the way our clients approach their auto losses. When your insured is involved in an accident, StreetDelivery can let you take a look at the vehicles involved within 1 business day. By capturing the correct photos of the vehicles involved immediately after the loss we allow our clients the ability to make informed liability decisions that have saved them significantly.

Does this look like $33,000.00 worth of damage???
Being in claims we have all seen this scenario. The insured rear-ends a claimant and states that the damage is not bad. After some time a demand letter comes from the claimant attorney stating that the claimant has been out of work and has incurred thousands in medical expenses and lost wages. The specials are stated to be $11,000.00 but can be considered $33,000 after attorney’s fees and possible liens. At this time a decision has to be made based off of the subjective information from the claimant about their pains that they claim resulted from the DOL. Wouldn’t it have been great if you were able to obtain correct photos of both vehicles involved immediately after the accident? Well with StreetDelivery’s Vehicle Impact for Liability service you can!
Whether covertly or overtly we dispatch our filed reps to the vehicle’s known destination and within 1 business day, when available, you can be looking at the damages of the unit for a 1 time flat fee. If the requested vehicle is not at the address when we drive by we will continue to cold call the location, at different times of day, until we find it. If the parties involved are cooperative, just provide their contact info and we will arrange an inspection with them. Whatever it takes to let you see the damage, our VIL service will not stop until your vehicle is found. And whether we obtain the images on the first attempt, or the 10th, you still get charged the 1 time fee!
To see for yourself, click this link to a sample of an actual inspection StreetDelivery Sample - Vehicle Inspection for Liability